Obadiah's choices : Navigating Faith in a Time of Crisis .


In the tapestry of sacred history, the character of Obadiah in 1 Kings 18 emerges as a compelling figure, weaving together elements of faith, loyalty, and courage. As we delve into this chapter, we uncover a story that transcends its historical context, offering timeless lessons for contemporary seekers of spiritual insight.

What is the meaning of the name Obadiah?

Thirteen different men are named Obadiah in the Bible. The name Obadiah was common in ancient Israel and Judah. It means “the Lord’s servant” or “worshiper of Yahweh.”

Who was Obadiah ?

   “Ahab called Obadiah who was over the household. (Now Obadiah feared the Lord greatly; 4 for when Jezebel destroyed the prophets of the Lord, Obadiah took a hundred prophets and hid them by fifties in a cave, and provided them with bread and water). ” (1 Kings 18:3-4)

Obadiah was a court official in charge of the household of the King; a steward and manager of the palace and all its affairs. This meant that he had a high position and the responsibility of leadership himself (vs. 3a). He was immediately responsible to King Ahab and to his wicked, scheming wife, Jezebel. He was also a believer who feared the Lord from his youth (vs.12c) and was a man of faith (vs. 3b). Because of his faith he had hidden 100 prophets from Jezebel (vs 4,13).

 He is not to be confused with the prophet Obadiah who wrote the book by the same name.

And yet, though he was in the service of this apostate king, he also feared the Lord greatly. This reverence for the Lord had been demonstrated when Jezebel, the wife of Ahab, had gone on a search and destroy mission against the prophets of God. Obadiah had sheltered and provided for a hundred prophets of God. This was treason against the state. 

This brings us to a question. At what point should a Christian disobey governmental authority? At the point where that authority's commands contradicts God's commands. And ONLY at that point (Acts 5:29). This is reflected in the example of Obadiah. He disobeyed Jezebel by hiding the prophets of God. But when Ahab gave him an order to survey the land for feed for his animals, he was subservient to that authority.

Do you see what happened? Obadiah did for these men what the Lord did for Elijah. He was God’s instrument to care for his prophets.

The Lord still works today. He is the God who provides. But He does not always provide by sending ravens or by miraculously extending a supply of oil and flour. More often than not, He supplies through an Obadiah - a man who is willing to be an instrument for God ( James 1:27; Mathew 25:35).For man without God can not and God without man will not (Isaiah 6:8).

In a kingdom marked by spiritual turbulence (read the book Prophets and Kings chapter 8)  and moral ambiguity (1Kings 18:18), Obadiah stands out as a beacon of righteousness amid the prevailing darkness. His role as a caretaker of the royal household positions him uniquely to navigate the delicate balance between obedience to the earthly king and loyalty to the divine.

He was a man of celebrated honesty, industry and ingenuity and one whom the King could repose a confidence, whose eyes he could trust as much as his own, as appears in (vs.5). That man that is true to God will be faithful to his prince.

Lessons .

1. Faithfulness in Difficult Times:

Obadiah is a tremendous example of a man who lives his faith in a difficult world. He remains faithful to God even in a challenging environment, demonstrating that it's possible to uphold one's beliefs despite external pressures.(Romans 8:35-39).

During the apostasy of Israel, Obadiah had remained faithful. His master, the king, had been unable to turn him from his allegiance to the living God. ” PK 138.2



Obadiah's role in 1 Kings 18 offers valuable insights into loyalty, faith, and the challenges of navigating through spiritual mayhem. His unwavering commitment to both God and King Ahab showcases the delicate balance between serving higher principles and fulfilling earthly responsibilities. As we reflect on Obadiah's story, it prompts us to examine our own convictions and choices in the face of adversity, inspiring a deeper understanding of the intersections between faith and duty in our own lives. 

Stay tuned for more biblical insights, and feel free to share your thoughts and reflections on Obadiah's narrative in the comments below! Thanks for reading ! May God bless you!





3.Henry's Complete Commentary on the Bible

Authored by: Zachary Nyakoe.


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