Dear Young Friends ,
You live in a dark and wicked world , subject to sickness , pain and death. You may see many things that look beautiful ;
but how soon they fade away.
You may have a dear friend that you love ; but soon
that one may be torn from you by sickness
and death , and you will then feel lonesome.
You should have something substantial to
fix your minds and affections upon , that
can give real satisfaction and joy , and
cheer your spirits in this dark world , and
cause your sorrows to bring joy in the end.
There is a blight upon everything. The
earth feels the curse that God pronounced
upon it , because of the disobedience of
our first parents. They broke
the command of God in eating of the
forbidden tree , after he had given them
the privilege of eating of all other trees
in the garden. They listened to the
tempter , ate of the forbidden tree , and
were expelled from the beautiful garden
of Eden.
The earth that was then so beautiful , was
cursed and the flaming sword was placed
around the tree of life to guard it , lest
man , in his sin, should approach that tree ,
and eat of it's immortal fruit and by so
doing , live in sin for ever.
The tree of life was designed to
perpetuate immortality. Adam and Eve
could eat of that tree , and enjoy its rich immortal fruit , until they transgressed the
command of God. Death was then
pronounced upon them , and all that
should ever live upon the earth. There was
no way of escape for us ; no provision that
we might again have access to the tree of
life , if we would repent. Whatever evils
might befall us , there was then no other way than to bear them without hope of
having right to the tree of life , to eat of its leaves and fruit , and be healed. We must
ever suffer and groan beneath the curse.
But the son of God , who was with the
father before the world was , took pity
upon us in our lost condition , and offered
to step in between us and the wrath of an offended God. Said Jesus , I will give my
life for them. I will take the burden of the sins of the world upon me , and will make
a way possible for these transgressors to
find pardon and enjoy thy favor again , that they may repent and keep thy
commandments , and again have access to the tree of life. God consented to give
his only son to die for lost man.
The lovely Jesus laid aside his glory , and came into this dark world , and took upon himself our nature , to be wounded for our
transgressions ; to be bruised for our
iniquities. O , what love for us. - He led a self-denying life , and had not where to lay his head. He was a man of sorrow and
acquainted with grief , was despised and rejected , and finally was crucified for us.
But you must not think that you have nothing to do , because Christ died for you.
You must repent of all your sins , and give your hearts to God , and then believe
that the blood of Christ will cleanse you from all sin. Then if you keep all the
commandments of God , the Sabbath with the rest , you may through the merits of
Christ , be brought back to the tree of life.
This will be when Jesus comes to raise
the righteous dead and change the living saints. Then you will have right to the tree
of life , and eat of the leaves , and immortal fruit of the tree of life and live for ever in
perfect happiness. Read Revelation
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