
Showing posts from January, 2022


 COMMUNICATIONS Dear Young Friends , You live in a dark and wicked world , subject to sickness , pain and death.  You may see many things that look beautiful ;  but how soon they fade away.  You may have a dear friend that you love ; but soon  that one may be torn from you by sickness and death , and you will then feel lonesome. You should have something substantial to fix your minds and affections upon , that  can give real satisfaction and joy , and cheer your spirits in this dark world , and   cause your sorrows to bring joy in the end. There is a blight upon everything. The  earth feels the curse that God pronounced upon it , because of the disobedience of  our first parents. They broke  the command of God in eating of the  forbidden tree , after he had given them  the privilege of eating of all other trees  in the garden. They listened to the  tempter , ate of the forbidden tree , and  were expelled from the beautiful garden  of Eden. The earth that was then so beautiful , was  c