
Showing posts from September, 2021

The 1260- year day prophecy

 Below is an adapted synopsis of the DARK AGES (1260 years ) 1260-day Prophecy… the wound is almost healed… get ready!! A day is equal to a year in Bible prophecy. In Revelation 13:3 it says: And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast. The “beast” is the Papacy. **  Many people worship on Sunday because they don’t know the history of this tradition. Here it is: *** In Daniel 7:25 it is says that a power will come that will change times and laws. Emperor Constantine in Rome changed the day of worship to Sunday in 321 A.D. We should not follow the traditions of man when it goes against the Bible. Jesus and the disciples and the early Christians observed Saturday as the Sabbath. *** The Roman Emperors expected Christians to take part in rituals and sacrifices to the pagan gods and goddesses. When they refused to do this, they were persecuted and killed. The most notorious persecutor of the early Chris

The Bible Sabbath

 How do we know that the 7th day is Saturday? Jesus was crucified on Friday... preparation day.  They wanted to remove the body from the cross before sunset because Sabbath was going to begin. Mark 15:42 🔴 Sabbath begins at sunset.   Matthew 28:1, Exodus 20:8-11  🔴 Jesus' body remained in the tomb on the Sabbath.  🔴 First day of the week , women went to the tomb where Jesus ' body was kept. Resurrection happened before they went. Mark 16:1  So here are three days mentioned: 1. Preparation day... Mark 15:42  2. Sabbath... Matthews 28:1, Exodus 20:8-11  3. First day of the week... Mark 16:1  Now it is our turn to name the day according to the days mentioned in the Calendar.  🔴 It is the Bible that says that the Seventh day is the Sabbath.  Gen.2:1-3 . ** For more information go to